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  5. Webhooks


Once the field configuration is complete, you can set up a Webhook to receive a callback notification when the data import process is finished.

Webhook Configuration Fields

Enable Webhook – Toggle this option to enable webhook notifications.

URL – Specify the endpoint to receive the webhook callback. Example:


API Key Header Name – Define the name of the API key header for authentication.


API Key – Provide the API key for secure webhook communication.

Sample Webhook Payload

When the import is completed, a webhook request will be sent with the following payload:

  "maxId": 27275,
  "insertCount": 10878,
  "insertIds": [
    27276, 27277
  "tableName": "customer",
  "database": "techbootstrap_demo"

Payload Field Descriptions

  • maxId – The highest ID inserted in the table.
  • insertCount – Total number of records inserted.
  • insertIds – List of IDs for the inserted records.
  • tableName – The name of the table where data was imported.
  • database – The database where the import occurred.

This webhook allows seamless integration with external systems by notifying them upon a successful data import.


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