What’s New in Kali Linux 2022.3?

Things to know about the latest Kali release.

1. New Tools

Here are all the new tools that come with the release.

  • BruteShark – Network Analysis Tool
  • DefectDojo – Open-source application vulnerability correlation and security orchestration tool
  • phpsploit – Stealth post-exploitation framework
  • shellfire – Exploiting LFI/RFI and command injection vulnerabilities
  • SprayingToolkit – Password spraying attacks against Lync/S4B, OWA, and O365

Kali Documentation Updates

There has been a number of new pages added to our kali-docs sub section, as well as numerous updates to existing pages, keeping them up-to-date as well as adding more details. A summary of the new pages added:

Get Kali Linux 2022.3


$ echo "deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt -y full-upgrade

$ cp -rbi /etc/skel/. ~

$ [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ] && sudo reboot -f

grep VERSION /etc/os-release VERSION="2022.3" VERSION_ID="2022.3" VERSION_CODENAME="kali-rolling"

You should now be on Kali Linux 2022.3 We can do a quick check by doing:


$ uname -v

#1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 5.18.5-1kali6 (2022-07-07)

$ uname -r


More details about the release

What’s New in Kali Linux 2022.3?
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